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The Integumentary System is composed of three parts; hair, nails, & skin.


Hair: column of dead skin cells filled with keratin that provides protection through heat retention


Nails: Protective covering on fingers and toes - made of dead keratinized cells

The skin has 3 layers: the epidermis, dermis, & subcutaneous. The epidermis is the outermost layer and is completely composed of dead cells. The dermis - or middle layer - maintains homeostasis, making it home to blood vessels, oil glands, & sweat glands. The subcutaneous layer is a layer of fat that connects tissue & helps with insulation.

Keratin: a tough fibrous protein that makes the outer layer of skin waxy & waterproof


Melanin: gives skin color and protects body from UV radiation


Melanocytes: creates melanin

The Integumentary  System 

Keratin is commonly found in many hair products

An extremely common integumentary disorder found in teenagers is acne, which can be treated with the help of a dermatoligist.  Skin cancer is also fairly common, and can be found in moles and other imperfections found on the skin. 

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