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Leukocytes - phagocytic WBC*

*WBC=white blood cell(s)

What is the difference between antigens & antibodies?

~ Antigens are known as cellular "name tags" that trigger things such as an allergic reaction. Antibodies are proteins that bind to a specific antigen. There are many, many antibodies! However, antibodies can only have one antigen.


~ Perforin is a protein released by the natural killer cells (NK cells) that punctures the cell membrane of an infected cell. This forces water & other fluids to swell into the cell and causes it to lyse (split or pop).


- Released by mast cells at the site of inflammation (part of the inflammatory response)


~ Stimulate B-cells' systems to produce antibodies to pathogens

~ Infected cells digest some pathogens!

~ Do you think that vaccinations are worth the risks???

Immunoglobulins: secreted antibodies that lack the transmembrane regions that anchor receptors in the plasma membrane

Autoimmune diseases:

~ Occurs when the immune system loses tolerance & turns against certain molecules of the body

~ Example: rheumatoid arthritis (damaged & painful inflammation of the cartilage & bone of the joints)

Rh factor: a red blood cell antigen that can cause trouble for a fetus that induces immune responses in which memory cells are generated

Lymphatic / Immune System!

Acquired Immunity!*

*Bacteria & insects inherit resistance. Vertebrates acquire immunity!

Acquired Immunity:

- 2nd line of defense for the body

- Developes after exposure to pathogens

- Specific attcks (unlike innate immunity)

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